Søren Berner
torsdag den 22. januar 2009
Since the late 1990s So:ren Berner has adressed topics such as prejudice, immigration, exclusion, globalization, social and psychic systems, public space and cultural diversity. The investigative character that goes hand in hand with the process instead of finished conclusions plays a central role in his works that evolves in performances, drawings, installations and prints. So:ren’s drawings, prints and installations are often created in connection with the process to his performances which, as a contrast to an action filled, time limited show, offers another entrance to understand and identify with. By using inspiration from the performances that might have passed into oblivion, So:ren creates his own unique flourishing idiom, marrying an intuitive delight in the visual with a critical edge. The exhibited prints, drawings and objects from So:ren has evolved parallel with the latest performance project “KARGOLOGY”* which investigates information patterns in public space as well as the ways individuals experience the constant flow of information in the city. ”KARGOLOGY”* is performed by the artist group KARGO which besides So:ren Berner consists of Bella Angora and Christian Falsnaes. "KARGOLOGY"* has been performed in New York, Vienna, Istanbul, and Copenhagen h2. Vil du købe? Nogle af So:ren Berners værker er fortsat til salg. Kontakt Morten Halborg-Møller på mhm@killyourtelly.dk for mere info. h2. Se mere på: www.sorenberner.com